Access the world's most widely used AI content detector, ensuring authenticity and originality.
GPTZero is an AI detection tool developed by Edward Tian, a Princeton student, to detect AI-written text. It’s designed to identify text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper AI, and others. It’s available for free to teachers and others.
How It Works:
Customer Companies:
Enhance Speech makes voice recordings sound as if they were recorded i...
Paid - $24.99/mo
Access unlimited AI art generation for professionals, enhancing artist...
Freemium - $9/mo
Elevate your book modification process with a comprehensive solution, ...
Paid - $14.99/mo
Caktus AI is a study tool offering personalized AI assistance for home...
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Spark kids' AI curiosity with an engaging and fun learning experience,...
Freemium - $20/mo
Unleash AI's full potential with real-time data, computation, and serv...
Open Source
Stable Diffusion is a GitHub repository by CompVis that provides high-...
Freemium - $249.92/mo
Experience an All in one Writer tool powered by AI, refining your cont...
Freemium - $3/mo
Conker is an AI-powered online quiz creator. It's designed to create u...
Freemium - $19/mo
Transforms e-Learning with rapid AI-driven course structure generation...
Freemium - $19/mo
CourseFactory AI is your team of AI agents dedicated to making online ...
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Coursera Plus offers unlimited access to a vast catalog of courses, sp...
Freemium - $8/mo
Create personalized and immersive graphic novels using simple text pro...