Gym Genie

  • (3.5)
Added on - 29 Jun, 2024

Freemium- $3/mo

A personalized workout and meal plan generator that uses AI to tailor fitness goals, enhancing your gym experience

Description -:

GymGenie: Your Personal AI-Powered Fitness Companion


                      GymGenie is an AI-powered web application that provides personalized workout routines tailored to individual fitness goals. It utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate customized exercise plans, offering a unique and convenient solution for people looking to achieve their fitness goals.


                      GymGenie is trusted by fitness enthusiasts, busy professionals, athletes, gym newcomers, and individuals with specific fitness goals such as weight loss or muscle gain.


                      The primary goal of GymGenie is to help users work towards the best version of themselves by providing AI-powered meal plans and workout routines tailored to their fitness goals.

Uses and Features:

                      1. AI-Powered Workout Routines: GymGenie generates personalized workout routines based on individual fitness goals.

                      2. GymGenie MealPlan: Users can supercharge their personalized workout with AI-powered meal plans tailored to their fitness goals.

                      3. MacroTracker: Premium users have access to MacroTracker.

                      4. Unlimited Workout Routines: Premium users have no limit on workout routines generated.

                      5. Access to New Features: Premium users have access to upcoming new features.

How It Works:

                      1. Users sign up and input their fitness goals and preferences.

                      2. GymGenie uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate a personalized workout routine.

                      3. Users can then follow these routines to work towards their fitness goals.

                      4. Premium users can also access the GymGenie MealPlan and MacroTracker for a more comprehensive fitness plan.

Customer Companies Statistics:

                      1. It has helped people across the world, including the USA, India, Canada, UAE, and 80 more countries.

                      2. It has generated over 100K workout routines.

                      3. It offers a free user plan and a premium plan. The premium plan includes access to new features, no limit on workout routines generated, access to GymGenie MealPlan, and MacroTracker.

                      4. It has a strong market presence with users across the globe, including the USA, India, Canada, UAE, and 80 more countries.

                      5. It utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to provide personalized workout routines and meal plans.

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