
  • (4)
Added on - 12 Jun, 2024

Freemium- $29.99/mo

Refine your resume with Jobscan's AI analysis, aligning your profile with job descriptions effectively.

Description -:

Jobscan: Revolutionizing Your Job Search with AI-Powered Tools


Jobscan is a cutting-edge platform designed to empower job seekers by optimizing their resumes for specific job descriptions. By leveraging advanced AI technology, Jobscan analyzes your resume and compares it to the job listing, highlighting the key skills and experiences recruiters are looking for.


  1. ATS Resume Checker: Optimize your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems.
  2. Resume and Cover Letter Optimization: Enhance your resume and cover letter to stand out.
  3. Resume Builder: Create an ATS-friendly resume.
  4. LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Improve your LinkedIn profile to attract recruiters.
  5. Job Tracker and Matcher: Find the best job matches tailored for you.

How it Works:

  1. Upload your resume or paste the text of your resume.
  2. Paste the text of the job posting you’re interested in.
  3. Jobscan’s AI analyzes your resume and compares it to the job listing.
  4. You receive a match rate report showing how well your resume matches up with the job description.
  5. Use the report to optimize your resume and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Customer Companies: Jobscan is trusted by top higher education institutions and leaders in employment outcomes.


  1. Trusted Users: Jobscan is trusted by over 1 million job seekers worldwide.
  2. Market Presence: Jobscan is used by job seekers across various industries.
  3. Work Done: Jobscan has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers land their dream jobs.
  4. Products: Jobscan offers a wide range of job search tools, including a free resume builder, Power Edit real-time resume editor, and LinkedIn Optimization.
  5. Tools: Jobscan’s tools include a resume scanner, resume builder, cover letter scanner, LinkedIn optimization, job tracker, job matcher, and more.

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